Wednesday we had zone conference which was a lot of fun to see the sisters! One of my good friends on the mission is going home this transfer and said her departing testimony, I'm going to miss her! Good thing we will both be living in Provo in January!
When we had a brief testimony meeting at the end of the conference I kept thinking "I never want to leave. I just want to be a missionary forever!" Time is going by way too fast! I only have one more zone conference left and then I'll be the one going up there and sharing my departing testimony! 

Friday we had a car fast in the entire mission which meant that all the cars were to stay parked all day and that we were on foot!
We were rushing from appointment to appointment but it was fun! Good bonding time :) I think I might've killed Sister Moore though haha we got gatorades mid way through the day and sour patch watermelon which made everything better. :) I got a little taste of what some of my friends on their missions have to do everyday because no one has a car. Man am I grateful for a car and a healthy body that allows me to be able to walk 12 plus miles in a day!
Saturday was a big stake event at a state park by Binghamton! It was so fun! We got to see everyone in our zone again and I played volleyball for probably 2 hours straight! I was the last sister still playing by the end haha safe to say my arms were a little sore the next day lol
Sunday we taught an awesome less active with a member and it went so well! We also went to another less actives house with her and that went really good too. I love the members so much!! They are such a great example to me.
I love being a missionary and am excited for another fun and miracle filled week!
Sister Horne
Sister Carruth and I - She goes home this transfer!
We ran from our car to our apt and got DRENCHED
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