This week has been the busiest, craziest, most
fun week!!
Monday night we had
dinner with Cindy at Panera which was super fun. Then we went to the Sullivans to say goodbye! I love everyone in Glenville so much!! I
felt so loved and appreciated!!
Tuesday we went to the
Cagles and Carol to say goodbye and taught a new investigator Nancy! Had pizza
at an awesome members house then went straight to another dinner with a super
sweet family! They made chicken skewers and all this delicious food. I'm going
to miss them! They are the sweetest! Then to top off the night we had a lesson
with Bill!! It was such a busy day filled with lessons and appointments, we were
bouncing from one place to another. It was the best! No better way to end my
time serving in beloved Glenville then seeing the people I love.
Wednesday was craziness.
We went to Albany in the morning (about 30 minutes), then I took a van to Utica (2
hours), then from there I took another van with 3 other missionaries to Ithaca (3
hours), then met my new companion Sister Graver and drove with her and the zone
leaders to our area in Horseheads (1 hour). I pretty much spent the whole day in
the car hahah It was fun though, I love the sisters I was driving with so it
was good.
That night was good, I
can't remember all that happened but Sister Graver is hilarious and a super
awesome missionary and I love being her comp!!
Thursday we weekly
planned and tried a few people then went to a members house to help her paint
because she's moving. She gave us yummy sweet pork burritos for the road and we
drove all over NY, it seemed like, that night with the zone leaders. We had to
drive to Utica to go to MLC (mission leadership conference) but before that we
drove to Ithaca to pick something up and to Owego. We had to leave here around
4pm and didn't get to the mission home until a little after 9pm. But we did get
yummy milkshakes on the way! Definitely good bonding time being in the car all
day haha
That night we stayed at
the Utica STLs apartment because there wasn't enough room in the mission home
and that was fun! Friday morning we woke up and had breakfast at the church
then had MLC which was really good. I was able to learn of a lot of things to
do better and I'm excited to be a better example and be a better missionary!
After driving home we had a lesson with a cute recent convert who got baptized
last week (she's 11) and then taught another investigator later that night. It's
fun seeing who our gators are in this area!
Saturday was a crazy but
amazing day helping a lady move, teaching people, trying to find people and getting some
things done. We taught an awesome lesson that night with a guy named Fredrick
and we put him on date for June 24th! He's super great and could feel the
Spirit as we taught him. Another miracle--we had about 10 minutes before going
in for the night so we went out to the intersection by our house and talked to
this guy in his car named Ron! We talked a little about Family History and
invited him to church the next day and HE CAME AND LOVED IT!! Biggest miracle!
We are excited to teach him and his two kids this week! We are so impressed with him!
This ward is incredible!
I've been SO blessed to be in such amazing wards who love and spoil the
missionaries!! I couldn't be happier!!
Last night we had the
cool opportunity to go to a fireside in Owego with the Zone Leaders and do role
plays of the restoration for a stake youth missionary fireside. The Spirit was
so strong! I love missionary work!! I am so grateful to be a missionary!
I love this area and I
love my companion and I just love life!!!
Sister Horne
We have the same sweater! Well, similar.
The sunset last Monday night was gorgeous!
The Sullivans! Love them!

Sister Cagle!! One of my favs!
We had transfers on Wednesday - they are so fun because I get to see my friends!
Sister Reintjes. Love her so much!
Sister Lemon
Last pic with Sister J
Sister Campbell
Sister Baylon
Sister Priest, Sister Lemon, me, Sister Baylon
We got yummy shakes in Ithaca on our way to MLC
The pretty view outside our apartment window
Julie and Andrew and "the Dad"
Going away present :) It was so sweet!
Sister Sullivan gave me cards for a going away present.
Bill, Gonna miss him
Sister Cagle gave me Doterra and it's the best
All the snacks in that cute bag from Julie
Our last night in Glenville - delicious apple cider donuts and strawberry margaritas.
Sister Frehner - she's adorable